Ihara Dutra

Ihara Dutra is an Argentinean multimedia artist, love advocate and community activist living in New York City.

Her creative vision and dedication to human connection have positioned her as the driving force behind Share Love, a company that seamlessly blends innovation with affection.

With over 15 years of experience, Ihara has left a distinctive mark on the New York tech events scene, where every meticulous detail and every glimmer of light in her creations is infused with purpose. Her ability to fuse art and technology has resulted in unique experiences that transcend emotion to become unforgettable memories.

Ihara doesn’t just design events; she builds bridges between innovation and intimacy, demonstrating that love is not just an emotion but evolution’s finest survival strategy. In the vibrant community of New York, Ihara stands out as a leader who inspires through her art, advocating for genuine love and authenticity in every interaction.